Parents and Friends Association

The Parents And Friends Association (P&FA)
works in partnership with the Principal and teachers in the development and review of school policies such as the anti-bullying policy, code of behaviour etc. The P&FA also assists with events that may occur over the school year.
The P&FA can suggest and /or organise extra-curricular activities with the agreement of the Board of Management.
We are the main link between home and school which is vital for all the children. We also organise some fun activities which all the children love, e.g. Halloween Decorations, Annual School Book Fair, Christmas Decorations & Santa's Visit, Easter Bunny Visit.
In the P&FA we emphasise being a friendly & welcoming association for all. The P&FA is a support for parents in the school.
The P&FA can invite speakers to address the parents on issues which are topical or relevant.
We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 8.00 p.m. on a zoom meeting. Meetings take approximately 20-30 minutes, and we would love to welcome new members & helpers.