Fáilte go dtí Bunscoil Chríost Rí.

You’re very welcome to our website, and to our school.
Bunscoil Chríost Rí is a Presentation school, a Catholic school in the tradition of Edmund Rice and Nano Nagle.
We welcome children of all backgrounds and nationalities, of all faiths and none, and we currently have pupils from 40 different countries in our school.
Our school is a safe and happy place for children to grow and learn. In our school, “All are welcome, all are included, and all are enriched.”
We have tremendous facilities, an excellent staff and a vibrant Parents & Friends Association.
We have a long and proud tradition of education, sports, music and the arts.
We are an Active School, a Green School, a Health Promoting School and we also have an Amber Flag for Positive Mental Health.
Neart tré iarracht.
Is mise, le meas,
Eoin Fitzpatrick